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We Are Arundel Music

By participating in an AACPS music ensemble, students are eligible to audition for an AACPS All-County and Maryland All-State Performance Ensembles. The county-wide music events of Anne Arundel County Public Schools and Maryland All-State events are planned by music teachers and the Music Office to give our outstanding students opportunities for music performance at a level beyond that usually available in the individual school.
Students are selected by audition and key factors in ensemble formation include balance, instrumentation and voicing so that the selected music is appropriately performed. A guest conductor of strong reputation is selected to work with students. The time with the conductor is critical to effective ensemble performance and musical unity.
The active commitment to the process and the concert is the ingredient that has produced the excellence in which we take pride. No participant is unimportant; each depends on the other.
AACPS All-County & All-State Events
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